Educational Consulting
As educator, consultant, visiting scholar and presence in school communities, Paula Lawrence-Wehmiller is called to school communities…
- To advocate for the community’s gifts of diversity, making inclusiveness a way of life.
- To help the community cultivate a culture of respectful communication, empathy, and trust.
- To support communities in times of transition
- And to listen for the variety and diversity of expressions of gifts gathered among us
“A Day of Listening”
Whether she has been called to a school for faculty and staff professional development, work with parents, or work with administrative teams, Lawrence-Wehmiller’s practice is to visit the school community ahead of time for what she calls “A Day of Listening.”
Arriving at the school early in the morning in time to witness the arrival of students, Reverend Paula enjoys going on student-led tours of the school; visiting classes; having conversations with small groups of students, scholar-athletes, teachers, coaches, and administrative staff; and breaking bread with members of the community.
This very full day engaged in the life of the school gives Lawrence-Wehmiller content and context for her work when she returns to the community to lead day-long or evening events honoring and celebrating our shared vocation of educating our children.
Faculty & Staff Professional Development
Themes for these presentations include:
- Our strengths, styles, experiences as learners and educators: our stories as the seed of our call to do this work.
- Advocacy and activism in the areas of diversity, inclusiveness and community building.
- The vocation of welcoming the stranger: opening our eyes and minds and hearts to who is coming through the door of our school – how each one is different, what we can learn from them.
- Identifying and advocating for community practices that call us out of the confines of our “jobs” to the gift of our shared vocation
Working with Parents
Speaking about “The Shared Vocation of Parenting,” Rev. Paula….
- Invites parents to reflect on their role as curious, compassionate, and courageous advocates for diversity and inclusion.
- Suggests resources and practices to help parents navigate discussions about these topics with their children and with each other.
- Invites parents to explore the power of our stories as gifts from the past and sustenance for the daily challenges of being a welcoming community in a changing world.
- Encourages every parent, child, and family to experience their differences as assets to the community, without which the community cannot be truly whole.
Administrative Team Consultations and Retreats
Themes for consultations and retreats with administrators include:
- Administrators as teachers of teachers and advocates for inclusive communities
- Developing practices that convey a dynamic curriculum for change agents and continuous learning for school leaders
- Mentoring and being mentored
- Team building; cultivating a culture of creativity and collaboration
- The art of listening and communicating in ordinary and not so ordinary times
- Developing practices such as mindfulness, pacing, and balance that nourish and sustain school leaders